Our Partners

Affiliate Partnerships: Connecting Nepalis in the UK to Trusted Services

Welcome to our classifieds website, a dedicated platform for Nepalis in the UK to connect, discover, and engage with various services. We are excited to introduce our affiliate partnerships, which allow us to offer you additional value and connect you to trusted services that may be of interest to you. By leveraging these partnerships, we aim to provide a seamless experience while supporting the growth and well-being of the Nepali community in the UK.

Qatar Airways: Connecting You to Global Destinations

Qatar Airways is one of the world's leading airlines, known for its exceptional service and extensive global network. Whether you're planning a family visit back home or exploring new destinations, Qatar Airways offers a wide range of flights with competitive fares. By booking through our affiliate link, you not only gain access to exclusive deals but also support our platform's growth.

eBay: Discover Great Deals on Refurbished Items and More

eBay is a renowned online marketplace connecting buyers and sellers worldwide. Through our partnership, you can access a wide range of products, including affordable deals on refurbished items. By using our affiliate link, you not only save money but also contribute to a greener environment by choosing refurbished goods. Shop on eBay and support our community's growth.

Wise Money Transfer: Secure and Cost-Effective Remittance Solutions

Sending money back home is an essential aspect of staying connected to our roots. Wise (formerly TransferWise) is a trusted platform for international money transfers, offering competitive exchange rates and low fees. Through our partnership, we provide you with a reliable and cost-effective solution for sending money to Nepal. By using our affiliate link, you can save time and money while supporting our platform.

Loveholidays Travel: Your Gateway to Unforgettable Adventures


Planning a vacation? Loveholidays Travel is here to make your travel dreams a reality. Whether you're seeking a relaxing beach getaway or an adventurous trek in the mountains, Loveholidays offers a wide range of holiday packages and deals. By booking through our affiliate link, you not only gain access to special offers but also contribute to the growth of our community.

How It Works:

When you click on the affiliate links provided on our website and make a purchase or transaction through the partner's platform, we earn a small commission. This commission helps us maintain and enhance our services, ensuring we can continue to provide you with a valuable platform tailored to the needs of the Nepali community in the UK.

Your Support Matters:

By utilizing the affiliate links on our platform, you directly contribute to the growth and sustainability of our website. These partnerships allow us to invest in new features, expand our reach, and continuously improve our services. We genuinely appreciate your support and encourage you to explore these trusted partners who have the interests of the Nepali community at heart.

Please note that our recommendations are based on the quality and relevance of the services offered by our affiliate partners. While we strive to connect you with reliable and trusted partners, we encourage you to review and assess their services based on your individual needs and preferences.

Thank you for being a part of our community and for considering our affiliate partnerships. We are committed to continually enhancing your experience and bringing you valuable connections to trusted services.

Should you have any questions or feedback regarding our affiliate partnerships, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.



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